Premier Eye Care Now in Mount Pleasant and West Ashley
Charleston’s Best Eye Care
Multifocal Contacts
The newest multifocal contact lens from ACUVUE® is here. Designed to meet more presbyopic needs* with the highest-level blue-violet light filter† in contact lenses. Schedule your appointment now to see the MAX difference!
† Filtering of HEV light by contact lenses has not been demonstrated to confer any health benefit to the user, including but not limited to retinal protection, protection from cataract progression, reduced eye strain, improved contrast, improved acuity, reduced glare, improved low light vision, or improved circadian rhythm/sleep cycle. The Eye Care Professional should be consulted for more information.
I need an exam but hate being dialted
For most people, the eyes are the most important of all our sensory organs. Good vision allows us to enjoy the beauty of the world, to be independent and enjoy a high standard of living. We all want to protect our eyesight and overall health for ourselves and our family - that is why regular eye exams are important.
Find out about the benefits that optomap ultra-widefield retinal imaging can have for your eye health and general health.